King Kong

No, you don't.
If you really loved it...
you would have jumped.
You! This is your fault!
This room very comfortable.
Plenty dim light, fresh straw.

Jesus. What do you keep
down here?

Lion, tiger, hippo,
you name it.

You sell them to zoos?
Zoo, circus.
Skipper get big money
for rare animal.

Careful. Camel have
bad accident on floor.

Stain unremovable.
Skipper catch
any wild animal you want.

He'll do you real good price
on white rhino.

My apologies for not being
able to offer you a cabin.

Have you found an enclosure
to your taste?

Spoiled for choice.
What are you, Mr. Driscoll?
A lion?

Or a chimpanzee?
I'll take this one.
I told you to lock it up.
Sorry, Skipper. Lumpy said...
Lumpy doesn't give the orders!

What are you trying to do?
Put the whole ship to sleep?

Get them out of here.
