Compliments of the chef.
Oh, Christ. Oh, God.
Lamb's brains
in walnut sauce.
You run those ropes
up on deck like I told you?
Doing it now, Mr. Hayes.
How about you return
Mr. Driscoll's pen first?
He don't mean no harm.
I'll keep him out of
your way. It's okay.
It's just that
he likes it down here.
It's where I found him
four years ago.
Stowed away
in one of them back cages.
His arm was broken
in two places.
He was wilder than
half the animals in here.
Still won't tell me
where he came from.
But it wasn't anyplace good.
You got to straighten up.
You don't want to be on this
ship the rest of your life.
Yes, I do.
No, you don't, Jimmy.
You got to be smart.
Get yourself educated.
Give yourself some options.
Take this seriously!
I do, Mr. Hayes, I do. Look.
I've been reading.
Where'd you get this?
I borrowed it.
On long-term loan.
Look at this. Look, look.
"Adventures on a tramp
steamer. " See? Just like us.