It never happened.
That's how it ended.
He just let you walk away?
He didn't try to save it?
I honestly believed things
might actually work out...
which was really very...
Men. Oh, they'll give you the world...
but they let the one thing
that truly matters...
slip through their fingers.
They're so busy being brave,
they forget to use their brains.
Romance. Who needs it?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen...
I'm here to tell you
a very strange story.
The story of our adventure...
in which 17 of our party
suffered horrible deaths...
their lives lost...
in pursuit of
a savage beast...
a monstrous aberration
of nature.
But even the meanest brute
can be tamed.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen,
as you will see...
the beast was no match...
for the charms of a girl.
A girl from New York...
Who melted his heart...
bringing to mind
that old Arabian proverb...