Kingdom of Heaven

You have used the low guard. You fight well.
Let's work on your skills.
Pick a high guard. Like this.

Italians call it La Hoste de Falcone.
The guard of the hook.

You strike from high. This.
Do it.
Do it straighter. Come on.
Take back. Hold your knees.
Sword straighter.

Defend yourself.
Blade isn't the only part of the sword.
May I have your lead?
Pay attention.
What's this?
You have with you man, Balian.
Who killed the priest. I'm charged by
the North Bishop to bring him back.

What he says is true.
They have a right to take me.

I say it's a matter of chats. If you
say he's guilty, then we'll fight.

God will decide the truth of it.
- My German friend is a close student of the law.
- Just give him to me, I'll fight you for something else.

He's a murderer.
So am I.
Whoever dies here today,
you will certainly be among them.
