Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

It was too much for and the
wise people. It is as if your
you had hauled the trigger

Your you killed it!
"No, I do not kill it.
He wanted to do it "

So that?
I did not want that she came, insisted.
I said to him. "Quédate in house"

But it did not do case
to me. It is a imbecil!

I kill it. Truth?
Good luck
This is what I like.
The old school method

Offer to this a Los Angeles, and ponme
to Gay Perry on the telephone

They will test to me of camera,
is not incredible?

A minute was robbing Xboxes
in East Village...

... and to the following one I am
taking champaña in Los Angeles

And your a that you dedicate yourself?
I am distant invents the
dices when he was young

And your?
I act a little
I want to see who but this aqui
In aim thus it arrives
at the celebration

With Harmony. History is different
Some say that I arrive aqui by the Giant
Robot. Soon it will show to them

For that it was not no robot.
He was destined to be aqui

Skies, watch that legs!
Not that that has something to
see whereupon she this aqui

He is racist, in serious!
The other criminals make fun of of,
despise it, but suddenly they need it

It is so good, as a light
beacon or what is

So that it is different to say: "you
do not speak with Reggie, is black

But it hopes, is good for the
Denle basketball a contract "?

Rudolph, Reggie...
