Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

That it happens to you? These pardoned.
You did not do anything

No, your but you thought that
if. You understand? You suspected,
and you always suspected

escúchame, if I touch the teat
to you, is something great!

That did not sound well, but
what I am saying it is...

... that you act as if "Uy! it does
not pass anything, all world does "

Whereupon class of types you walk?
You are the type of girl
who...? Your you know

That what, Harry
That what?
I feel it, relájate.
Rests a little, if?

We will begin tomorrow with
your house. In agreement?

In afternoon, this good?
As you want, Harry. I go away. It will
wear trousers to me, in agreement?

Borrow what you want
You I will give back them
If, any thing of the drawer. If this
in the drawer, this clean one

Good night, Harry
This is fantastic
Truth that if?
I already go away!
That you rest well!
That thing? They gave back it?
If. This in my shower I am seeing it
It is impossible. They do not know you
and the body cannot be aqui, this is
a dream, and watches, ahi is duende!

Cállate! As they entered?
As you want that it knows it?
by the fire stairs, perhaps

First first. We must take it to
some part. You have gloves?

- pardon? - Gloves, You have gloves?
Sácala, if it is a trap, somebody must
be calling to the police right now

It surrounds the body in a blanket
in a savannah or what is

Some type of gloves in individual?
If. Brown color
You want apurarte?
Perry. I did pipi above to him
Upon which?
Of the corpse They can identify
to me with that?
