Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

The types that were ahi, saw two
assholes, and that thought?

That we know something, clear
They are scared, they had the body,
they must disappear the evidence

In my shower? You said
that in the real life.

they were accusing to you idiot,
that happens in the real life

You change your tonada
every five minutes

No, no, no
Sight to Doris and Lucinda ahi..
I do not like these lessons
I resign. This is not to be detective
corpses floating in lakes.
.. people who kiss themselves. This
badly. This this badly by all sides

Somebody wants to put me to as much?
She thinks that I am detective sígueme
the current. Not me jodas

You know that to the police this
looking for Harry to you?

Ah, if?
If. It sends them quarter to
the mistaken. I did not know
that another thing to do

This good. Perry and I was.
Single we were conducting an operation.
Perry, as it flames?

The old trick of... mételos
and sácalos. That

That is what we were doing
That this happening? So that they
were kissing Perry and your?

I sent it to house thinking
that A) we would see ourselves
to speak of its case...

... and B) that I was not gay
They do not ask to me since I did it
So that simply we left ahi it?
a call of emergency from a your
room and corpse outside?

Bad idea. And that is that excrement
about accepting your own case?

I no
Of all the pendejadas ones that
you do suicidal by the way

Suicidal. I already solved your case
Harmony this convinced that its sister
The hermanita control its own ticket
- I finish - Understood
There ahead this good. It
is hour to lose the luggage
