Harry, already! My friend tiff makes
duplication of video in Fox
"the gentleman of the Pitillos"
It is a false label is literary
property, would dismiss it
It is a film of Jonny Grossamer
If Jenna were looking for its mysterious
father, would begin by ahi, no?
Not me DES by my side!
He is not that
I have amusing I am annoying
Not if this type is
your fiancè or not...
... but when you were in the
bath it was watching me
That it passes to the
women aqui to them?
They are equal that in any other part
If. Are merchandise damaged
all of them, from long ago
Taking to a type that has slept
with 100 women to the year,
returns to its childhood...
... and it could bet that it did not
happen anything to him spectacular
But if one of those girls has slept with
100 types in a year, good looking...
... that in its childhood was
something rotten in Denver
Abandonment, abuse "My uncle
put its pin-pin in my Pope"
And soon all came aqui
They took hold to the country by
the Coast the West shook it...
... and all the normal
girls subjected well
Well! All those that hate
Harry they raise the hand
And they are obedient dogs also
Veto to carajo!
You have 30 of my damn
second Emocióname well
The gentleman of the Pitillos
Repart. The credit card with which
I contact my sister to you
Who appears in this cinematographic
We have Michael quienquiera Beck who is
It was the star of "Xanadu" with
Olivia Newton John and Gene Kelly
- That? - Nothing
That it is a conjecture but escúchenme
You have quitarte the cap, it moan
Harry, I am working! We go,
in serious, n criticize to me
put Véanla attention please
That is Dexter
Who? That?
20 years but young but
it is Harlan Dexter