...dead people...
...the recently departed...
Unburied human corpses
are returning to life...
and feeding on the living.
Stay inside.
Do not try
to leave your homes.
They seem to survive
by eating human flesh.
Everyone who dies
will become one of them.
If you are bitten,
you will just become
one of them...
that much sooner.
They're not your neighbors
and friends, not anymore.
My wife had a heart attack.
Got up and came after me
like a banshee from hell.
I put a curling iron
through her head.
...the head...
...the brain...
They must be destroyed
as quickly as possible.
There's no time
for funeral arrangements.
There's no time
to dig up holes...
so you can drop these things
in the ground.
As long as we're alive...
they ain't never gonna
run out of food.
The day they do,
it'll mean only one thing. ;
We're all dead.
This is not only a local
or a regional phenomenon.
Cities are under siege.
[Man #12 speaking Italian]
[Woman #6 speaking Polish]
[Woman #7 speaking French]
If these creatures ever
develop the power to think...
to reason...
even in the most
primitive way...
People are said
to be establishing...
outposts in big cities...
and raiding small rural towns
for supplies, like outlaws.