What do you think's
going to happen to them
if Cholo shells the Green?
Okay. I'm with you.
No, I like the ones
I already got.
This piece
fires 14 rounds a second.
I don't normally need
that many.
I don't normally
talk to retards.
Pretty easy to make fun
of some people, huh?
I could make
a whole lot of fun out of you.
I'll take this one.
He thinks
he's taking care of you.
He does.
Without his guns,
I'd be dead by now.
Without you,
he'd be dead by now.
Fair trade.
Riley, these guys are coming.
Gentlemen and lady.
Mr. Kaufman thought
you could use some support.
Don't need any.
Nevertheless. Manolete.
named after the bullfighter.
You can call me Motown.
I'm here to do something.
Why are we standing around?
Let's do something.
We taking the jeep?
The Woody.
It's bigger, has guns.
Jeez. Cholo made a mess.
No. Cholo
didn't do all this.
This is stenches.
A lot of them.
Maybe still here.
That's where they came in.
That's where they went out.
Trying to get to the city.
I'm going to go get the ammo.
Crank up the Woody, Charlie.
Make sure
she doesn't hurt herself.
I can take care of myself,
Fine. Charlie, make sure
she doesn't hurt anyone else.
You, come with me.