Ok, great. Well, we have some great opportunities here for you.
in the Yellow Pages.
What I would like to do is just ask a couple of questions
about your business.
Find out a little bit about what your business needs are.
So that this will enable me to build an effective ad
for the upcoming edition of the Yellow Pages. Ok?
Um, yeah.
-Ok. Great.
So, last year...you had...you ran an ad and...
-¿I ran an ad last year?
Yeah, you ran
an ad last year.
This is for... you had a...
this is the locomotive shop,
- and you were selling parts for..
-Oh, yes, yes.
Right. And the ad was successful?
Did you get a lot of replies from that ad or..
I didn't, um...l...
I think it was...I think it was successful.
Okay.- I mean, it's kinda... it's kinda like...
Success is subjective,you know?
Right.- It's not...
It could be an opinion.
Mm-hm, but in terms of people.
Obviously, you obtained
a lot of new customers
as a result...
- Mm-hm.
...and sold a lot of parts as well?
Yeah, we...yeah,
we sold quite a lot that year.
That's great, that's great. So what we're gonna do here is
simply continue that process.
So my next question would be, do you plan to
open up another store, another shop, a different location?
Well, what do you plan
to do business-wise?
I mean, we're just sort of playing it by ear.
We didn't really have any... Mm-hm.
Except, you know...thoughts about opening other...mm...shops.