Last Days

Hello Lukas.

No, it's not Luke. It's Scott
- You fucking asshole,

- I need to talk to Blake.
- Look, he's the asshole, not me.
- Get him now. I need to talk...

- No, Blake is not here
Don't fucking tell me he's not there.
He left rehab.

- None of us have seen him.
- This a bunch of bullshit.
Why are you making this so hard? I just need to talk to him.

I just need to talk to him.
- Yeah. - Fine, just get him.

Look, you just... just need to chill out.
Everything's under control here.
- Wow.
- Hello, my name's Elder Friberg.
My name's also Elder Friberg.

We're from the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints
- just down the road.
- Okay.

- How are you doing this morning?
- Good.

We were wondering if we could come in
and tell you a little bit about our church,
give you information on our religion.

- This is a nice house
- Thanks.

You want a drink?
No, thank you.
Don't you, um...the blood of Christ thing?

Don't you, um...the blood of Christ thing?
No, we use water instead of wine.

- Water for the blood of Christ?
- Yes.

The alcohol
in the wine is...
we believe is bad for our bodies, so we don't...

drink anything that's bad for our body.
So have you guys had anything really freaky
happen to you when you go to these houses?

- Not really.
- Not normally.

And you're here
to convert us?

No, we're here just to give you background information
on our religion

in hopes that you come
to one of our services.

Do you know anything
about our religion?
- No.
- No?

All right, I'll give you
some background information.

How it started is, uh...
a young boy by a...
at the age of 14,

wanted to know which church to join,
because he noticed there were so many.

So he knelt down and he prayed,
