- That was quick.
- The gaff is rotten in there.
- Kinky's still here, isn't he?
- Didn't Tiptoes tell you?
Tell me what? Have you let him go?
No, I haven't. He's in here.
I still want to be paid.
So, if I'm correct, you three gearheads
are gonna be clucking very soon.
In fact, you're gonna be climbing
the walls any minute, aren't you?
But I'm prepared to do you a favour.
We can do this one of two ways.
We can do it the nice way,
which I think you'll prefer.
Because the other way
is my friend takes you
and puts your head
through the window!
Right, so, was Charlie here with Kinky?
Yeah, she was here for a couple of days.
Kinky turned up with five grand.
- Who's giving Kinky five grand?
- We don't know.
They k ept arguing. She was saying,
"Do you think it's that easy
"taking the five grand?"
But she was still caning the rocks.
Where is she now?
Brighton. She kept begging
Kinky to go with her.
The other night, I hears this noise.
I'm looking out there. It's dark.
But I sees this geezer all in black.
It's like something out of a kung-fu film.
- Pay no attention to him. He's a nutter.
- Shut the fuck up.
And you, fucking tell him now.
What geezer?
I don't know. I goofed out myself.
The next morning,
she's gone and Kinky's dead.
You telling me
that somebody's topped Kinky?
Kinky overdosed.
He always was a greedy fucker.
I saw it with my own eyes, man.
You smoke too much
of that fucking crack!