Layer Cake

Listen, son. Let me explain
something to you.

Freddie's in intensive care
with a bit of a brain haemorrhage.

You were there at the scene.
That's called joint venture.

Now, if Freddie dies,
you're either in the dock with Morty

or you're in the witness box
putting him away. Think about that.

You know, I will have one of those.
- All right, fellas?
- Where's Duke?

- I don't know.
- What do you mean?

- I don't know. I thought he was here.
- Well, go and fucking find him.

He's probably having a night out
while us mugs babysit these.

Gene, what the fuck
am I gonna do about these Serbs?

Come here. I have something for you.
- You're gonna need one of these.
- Fuck me, Gene.

I fucking hope not. Are you trying
to scare the shit out of me?

I mean, I fucking hate guns.
Although that one is really pretty.
Is that Second World War?

Hey, point it upwards.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Here, let me see if it's loaded.
You look like
you could do that blindfolded.

I can and I do.
