I have to box clever with those
college boys from Anti-Corruption.
- Fucking dogs. Slags. Ten grand?
- It's the going rate, Jim.
Ten K. Hardly seems worth the bother.
Well, there's only so much
in those informer funds.
What about Gene?
Does he suspect anything?
What? About me working
for the old firm? Listen. Gene...
...is too loyal for his own good.
- I don't fucking believe it.
- You better believe it.
- 'Cause it's fucking happening.
- Where did you get this?
Mr Troop made it for me.
- It's one of his little hobbies.
- I don't fucking believe it.
Don't you want to hear
what Jimmy has to say about you?
I've got one for you.
Pluck ed and ready for the pot.
- Just give us a name and he's gone.
- In time.
I don't want a bunce.
I want him out of the way.
Flash young runt.
One of the new breed, ain't he?
Reck ons he can just waltz off
into retirement.
I want him away for 12.
If he's got a kilo of class A,
he's looking at double figures.
- I'll put it there myself.
- Sounds personal.
He's got a few quid.
He'll come in handy.
I set him up with that slippery accountant
in the first place.
Fucking rag-head let slip, didn't he?
"You will miss him when he's gone,
Mr Price."
Is that you, the flash runt
who thinks he's retiring?
You'd no idea what Jimmy was up to?
How do you think these fuckers
earn a living?
I would've thought a smart young man
like you would know that already.
- Can I have that?
- Mr Troop.
Thank you.