Are things ok with Sacha?
Normally, neither good nor bad.
We're gonna split.
Shit! Why?
Like all couples, passion dies,
routine takes over...
Does he still live with you?
He's out of work, no money.
If he needs a place,
tell him about your aunt's spare room.
It will be cheap.
Ok, thanks.
What is it you bought?
Nothing. Just a bit of coke.
I thought you stopped taking that shit!
It's just once in a while.
Helps me get a hard on.
Good night
You know, Romain...
Don't do anything foolish.
Your mum cannot take it.
How about you?
I cannot either.
Why do you always talk about mum,
her reactions,
as if nothing can hurt you?
I don't know.
A habit.
Pity, isn't it?
Maybe I never learnt to talk about myself.