Strange, I dream a lot.
You were in my last one.
We were sleeping together.
It was sweet and very sexual
at the same time.
It was making me feel good.
Funny, cos you're not my type at all.
Actually in my dreams I sleep with anyone.
My father, my mother...
even with myself as a kid,
I guess I'm enjoying it before I die.
Time heals everything, except for us.
Lately you've been aggressive, violent,
full of disdain towards me.
while I was making efforts, trying to
understand you.
Trying to make overtures, maybe awkwardly
but I was trying.
I don't understand your attitude,
what it is you hate so much in me.
I often remember the games we played as children,
that complicity that brought us together,
our quarrels, our enthusiasm
and that brotherly love that has disappeared
and which I miss so much.
I hope to hear from you. I've taken the first step
and I now wait for yours.
Your loving sister, Sophie.