And you? I hear that you stopped working?
I needed a break, and...
...You met someone, didn't you.
Why do you say that?
I know you.
Incapable of staying alone!
Do I know him?
How old?
My age.
Good, that's what you needed.
Did you meet anyone new?
Nothing serious,
one night stands.
That's what I need now:
no complications!
See you soon. You'll call me?
Yeah. Well, no...
Why do you say that?
What's wrong?
You're not feeling well?
I forgot to tell you something.
It's not easy to say...
Can you walk me back?
Do you want a vodka?
You drink during the day now?
Yeah, occasionally.
Ok, one vodka.
Wel... I miss you.
Is that so?
It's a bit late now, isn't it?
Yeah, I know.
I'd like to ask you one thing.
I would like us to make love
one last time.
I want to touch you, feel your skin.