Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch

Guys, family fun night.
Everything's ready.

Let's... What's going on?
We're increasing the flow of blood
to our brains to make us think.

- We've only got one day and 23 hours...
- And 16 minutes.

:14:19 come up with the winning idea,
- so please leave us alone to think.
- Please.

You'll figure it out, and if you ask me,
it's a perfect time to take a break.
- [Both] Pass.
- I said, if you ask me, it's...

We kinda didn't ask you.
That's it, you two.
I've been cooking for hours
and finally picked up the house

just so we can have quality
fun time like Mom used to.

You're part of this family,
so you are gonna come downstairs
and have family fun.

Fun, fun, fun!
- Is everyone having fun?
- [All] Oh, yeah!

- Great.
- Loads of fun!

I made sci-fi snacks.
We have deep-fried Martian cockroach.
Mm. Delicious.
- I think I'm gonna throw up.
- Ew. I think someone did.

Uh, Nani, what are these?
Alien-eyeball dumplings.
What kinda sick joke is this?
Don't be making her mad. Eat it.
It's good.
- Cockroach?
- I'm too upset to eat.

I'm hula-less.
Aw, I'm sure
you'll come up with something.

Come on.
Let's watch the movie.

... are dangerous. They'll destroy
everything in their path.

The authorities are asking all...
It's a bit redundant,
don't ya think?

I'm trying to watch movie.

[ Jumba blubbering, sniffling]
