The next Sabbath,
I went to temple with my father.
However, it wasn't God
I was trying to get close to.
Eli, my eldest son, Yuri.
My contact at synagogue landed me
my first Israeli-made Uzi
submachine guns.
The first time you sell a gun...
is a lot like the first time you have sex.
You have absolutely no idea
what you're doing.
But it is exciting and one way
or another,
it's over way too fast.
The new Uzi machine pistol.
Big firepower in a small package.
This little baby uses 9 mm hollow points.
Twenty twenty-five round extendable mags...
...rear-flip adjustable sights.
Silencer comes standard.
Excellent recoil reduction.
Muzzle jump reduced forty percent.
Sixty percent improved noise
You could pump a mag into me
right now
and never wake the guy
in the next room.
Of course, that would eliminate your
opportunity for repeat business.
I did have a natural instinct
for smuggling contraband.
Fortunately, back then a video camera
was a big as a bazooka
Here I'd been running away from violence
my whole life, and I should've
run towards it.
It's in our nature.
The earliest human skeletons had
spearheads in their rib cages.
Where have you been?
What if we had a customer?
God bless America.