Lord of War

You know what I do when I see that?
I look to see what guns they're using
and I think to myself, why not my guns?
What, are you opening a gun shop?
Already more of those in than

Even with all the gangsters around here,
the margins are too low.
You've figured the margins?

Forget gang wars.
The real money is in actual wars.
Between countries.
Yuri, what the fuck do you know
about guns?

I know which end I'd rather be on.
I made the first sale.
We're already in business.
Whoa, whoa. We?
I need a partner.
I don't know,
I don't know, Yuri. I don't know.
Vitaly, I've tasted your borscht.
You're no fucking chef.
I can eat in the restaurant for free
and I still don't eat there.
Fuck you.
We're doing nothing with our lives.
I mean, this is shit!
This is shit!
It's true.
But maybe doing nothing's
better than doing this.

I need you.
Brothers in arms.
Brothers in arms.
Sir, may I interest you in the
shoulder-fired SA-7
surface-to-air missiles?

The older Chinese model.
Not so effective against
modern military aircraft. But deadly...
if used against a commercial airliner.
I'm giving them away at 8-50.
In the '80s, and the Cold War was
far from thawed

Most of the deals were

It was a mostly private club...
...with a lifetime club president.
