The second rule of gunrunning is:
Always ensure you have a
foolproof way to get paid.
Preferably in advance...
ideally to an off-shore account.
That's why I chose my customers
so carefully.
Say what you like about warlords
and dictators...
they tend to have a highly
developed sense of order.
They always pay their bills on time.
What is this?
Six kilos of pure.
I can't hand this to my fucking bank
teller at Chase Manhattan.
Listen, asshole, you should be
thanking me.
Have you checked the street price today?
With the seizures at the border last week,
it's jumped thirty percent.
Whoa... whoa-whoa!
I sell guns. I don't sell drugs.
I've got standards.
You don't pay, you don't play.
Fuck you!
What are you doing?
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
No, you don't fuck him.
We can work something out.
No, Vit!
We have a deal!
The first and most important
rule of gunrunning...
is never get shot with your own
Are you okay?
I think so.
So what do we do now?
Let's celebrate.
That narco guerilla had his facts right.
After shipping it stateside,
the return on that blow
netted me a healthy profit.
It would have been even better,
except one kilo never made it back.