Lord of War

Vitaly, you're going to have a great time.
This is a top place.
Two Ford models checked in last week.
And that cute weather girl's been
here since July.

Please, Yuri.
You're a good brother.
You're a good brother, Yuri.
Okay. All right.
Good brother.
All right. Get out of the car.
Get out of the car.
From then on I was a one-man operation.
I never understood what separated...
the recreational drug user from
the habitual.

But for the grace of God...
it could've been me snorting lines
as long as the Belt Parkway.
However, I wasn't entirely free
of the grip of addiction myself.
There she was again.
Ava Fontaine.
In my neighborhood they say,
"The good get out."
In our own ways, we'd both
conquered the world.

St. Barts, French Caribbean - 1989
You can't force somebody to
fall in love with you.

But you can definitely improve your odds.
It cost me 20 grand to book he
for a fake photo shoot.

Another twelve to buy out the hotel.
