Hey, don't be shy. Here, look.
Free sample
help yourself, okay? Free sample.
Tell your friend.
Gun for you.
Happy times. Come on.
Help yourselves. No charge.
Everything goes.
Guns, guns, guns, yes,
come on up!
Here! You're having fun now, huh?
Come on! Guns, guns, guns! Yes!
Bullets, guns, grenades!
Take 'em all.
Take the whole crate. Go ahead.
Gun, grenades, hooray!
Bullets! Guns! Grenades!
That one's got your name on it.
You want one, too? Come on.
Don't forget the bullets.
Don't forget the bullets.
How can you shoot a gun
if you don't have bullets?
Everything goes for free!
Guns, grenades! All you see. Bullets,
guns, grenades.
Hooray, hooray!
Have the bullets.
What a cargo crew at Heathrow Airport
does in a day took a bunch of
malnourished Sierra Leonean
locals ten minutes.
By the time Agent Valentine got there,
you could find more guns on
a plane full of Quakers.
Yuri Orlov.
Ow! Fuck!
You run from us?
No, Mbizi. No!
Can you run with no legs?
Let me make him disappear,
Mr. Valentine
Around here, people disappear all the time.
I can't do that.
Look where we are. Who will know?
We will.
He's gonna get what's coming to him.
I'm not as certain.