All right, get up.
What's the charge?
What are you doing in Sierra Leone...
I'm on safari.
Yeah? You're hunting wildebeests
with a submachine gun?
Do you also work with the
Park Service?
Hunting without a license,
is that the charge?
Why are we playing games?
You traffic arms.
You get rich by giving the
poorest people on the planet
the means to continue killing each other.
Do you know why I do what I do?
I mean, there are more
prestigious assignments.
Keeping track of nuclear arsenals,
You'd think that's more critical to
world security,
but it's not.
No, nine out of ten war victims today
are killed with assault rifles and
small like yours.
Those nuclear missiles?
They sit in their silos. Your AK-47?
That is the real weapon of mass
I don't want people dead, Agent Valentine.
I don't put a gun to anybody's head
and make them shoot.
I admit, but shooting war is better
for business,
but I prefer people to
fire my guns and miss.
Just as long as they're firing.
Can I go now?
You've got nothing on me.
Except cuffs.
Since you're so concerned with the law,
you must know that I'm legally
permitted to hold you for
twenty- four hours
without charging you.
You might ask why I would do
that and I can assure you.
It's not because I enjoy your
because I don't.
No, the reason why
I'll delay you for every second
of the permissible twenty-four hours
Is I'm delaying your deadly trade
and the deaths of your victims.
I don't think of it as taking a day from you...
...but giving a day to them.
Some innocent man, woman, or child
is going to have an extra day
on this earth because you're not free.
So, I will see you in twenty-three hours