Ava, what's wrong?
I can't wear the clothes.
Can't wear the jewelry.
Can't drive the car.
Can't live in this house.
Everything's got blood on it.
Blood on it?
What's the matter with you?
Don't be so melodramatic.
I'm melodramatic.
I'm a failed actress, remember?
I told you, these people, it's political.
They lie. They're liars.
Look at me. They lie to make
themselves look good, okay?
You can't trust them.
It's not just them.
Don't worry. Your family didn't
say anything.
They didn't have to.
I sell people a means to defend
themselves. Ava.
That's all.
Yuri, I see the news. I see those pictures.
The guns are bigger than the boys!
There is nothing illegal
about what I do!
I don't care if it's legal!
It's wrong!
Please, stop.