Lord of War

Soon there's going to be
a knock on that door

and you will be called outside.
In the hall there will be
a man who outranks you.

First, he'll compliment you on the
fine job you've done

that you're making the world
a safer place

that you're to receive
a commendation and a promotion.

And then he'll tell you that
I am to be released.

You're gonna protest.
You'll probably threaten to resign.
But in the end, I will be released.
The reason I'll be released
is the same reason you think...

I'll be convicted.
I do rub shoulders with some of
the most vile,

sadistic men calling themselves
leaders today.

But some of those men are
the enemies of your enemies.

And while the biggest arms dealer
in the world is your boss...

...the President of the United States,
who ships more merchandise in a day
I do in a year...
sometimes it's embarrassing to have
his fingerprints on the guns.

Sometimes he needs a freelancer like me
to supply forces
he can't be seen supplying.
So... you call me evil,

but unfortunately for you,
I'm a necessary evil.

I would tell you to go to hell.
But I think you're already there.
