Mad Hot Ballroom

You don't know what's hidden
inside each child until you open it up.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
Good afternoon, Miss Victoria.
Follow me. Okay, ladies and gentlemen.
Today we're going to start a new dance.
Does anyone want to guess
what the new dance is? Yeah.

- Yo-yo.
- Electric slide?

Electric slide? It's a ballroom dance.
- Ronnie?
- The swing?

The swing. Very good, now...
what country do you think
the swing started in?

We know it really well, I'll give you a hint.
- What do you think, Michael?
- Africa?

- Africa? It's a good guess. Guess again.
- United States?

Yes, very good, Taha,
the United States of America.

Lean on your front foot.
Put all your body weight on your front foot.
We're gonna change our weight now.
Ready, go back.

Back, front. Say it with me.
Back, front. Say it again. Back, front.
Again, back, front.
Okay. Taha?
Number 10.
Am I supposed to jump that much?
Watch what happens. It's very small.
I just want a walking step.
Walk, walk again...
We can't dance at all
because it's against my religion...

and it's also against his religion, too.
And, so far, I like being a DJ.
I think it's good because
everyone is nice to me.
