Take a bow.
All right. May I please have...
the orange team in front of Miss Joanna?
The pink team in front of Miss Victoria.
And the green team in front of Miss...
Escort position!
You have all been awarded
the silver level ribbon.
Silver level.
It is so close.
It's unbelievable.
The great thing is you all have silver level.
May I have Mr. Alex?
May I have Miss Lori?
May I have all you dance teams...
in escort position, facing your teacher.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Everybody give these teams a big hand.
They all have a silver level ribbon.
Congratulations for our silver level winners.
Well done.
Once you've got your gift bag
and your ribbon, kindly sit down.
Now, ladies and gentlemen.
Everybody, listen, please. If you don't mind.