Well done, you guys are just
embarrassing me! And yourself!
What are you talking about?
We've worked on that whole week.
Let's go, let's make a wish baby cakes.
- Come on, what did you wish for?
- No, can't tell you that.
- Come on, tell!
- No sirrey, I'm telling you!
It is bad luck! You want some bad luck?
I'll blow it out, but if you wanna be safe...
Ah, Marty would you just tell us?
- I mean really, what could happen?
- Okay.
- I wished I could go to the wild!
- The wild! Wow!
I told you it was bad luck!
The wild? Are you nuts? That is
the worst idea I've ever heard.
- Sounds amatory.
- The penguins are going, so why can't I?
- The penguins are psychotic.
- Come on, just imagine going back to nature.
- Back to your roots, clean air, wide open spaces!
- Well I hear they have wide open spaces in Connecticut.
- Connecticut?
- Yeah, what you got to do
is you gotta go over Grand Central.
And then you gotta take
the metro north train. North?
So one could take the train?
Just hypothetically.
Marty, come on! What would
Connecticut have to offer us?
- Lion disease.
- Thank you, Melman.
- No, no, really I just wanna...
- You certainly don't have this in the wild,
this is highly refined food. Thing
that you do not find in the wild.
You ever thought it might be
more than life and stake, Alex?
He didn't mean that baby.
No, no, no.
Doesn't it bother you guys that you don't
know anything about life outside of the zoo?
- Naa.
- Nope.
Well I mean come on,
that's just one subject.
You have a little smutz
right there in your mouth.
Thanks guys. Thanks for the party.