You're not so good with the putting the words
together and their coming out, good thing.
You can thss!
Hey! How you're doing? Yeah!
You know what, everything's cool,
we just have a little situation here.
Little internal situation. Actually
my friend just went a little crazy.
It happens to everybody.
The city gets to us all.
- Just went a little cuckoo in the head.
- Hey! Don't be calling me cuckoo in the head!
Just shush!
I will handle this!
I got him!
Would you get a kind of break?
We're just gonna take my little friend to
your home and forget this ever happened.
All right? No harm no ballet.
Oh, no, no, no. Hey, it's cool!
It's me, Alex. Lion from the Zoo.
What's the matter with him?
Wow! I feel really really weird.
Hey! I love you guys.
I love you so much.
Last night event at Central Grand station
was an example of animal rights
have been shouting for years.
The animals clearly don't belong in captivity.
Now they're to be sent back
to their natural habitat,
where they will live their lives in the
freedom they used to freely desire.
- Hey, little help.
- He's awake! He's awake!
Oh, man!