
They are savages!
Tonight we die.

The feet! I told you!
Didn't I tell you about the feet?

He did tell you about the feet.
- Wait. I have a plan!
- Really?

I have devised a gunning test.
To see whether these are savage killers.
- Hi there!
- You let me handle it.

Alex handles it.
Marty does nothing.

Hi there!
- Oh, sorry. No, no!
- Oh Alex, what did you do?

Stop, stop. It's okay.
It's okay. I'm just a
silly, just a silly lion.

Oh, you poor little baby, did
that big mean lion scare you?

He did? He's a big bad
old puddy tad, isn't he?

Come on, mama hold you.
They are so cute from a reasonable position.
You're sweetest little thing,
I just wanna dump him in my coffee.

- They are just a bunch of pansies.
- I don't know, there's still something

about that one with the crazy
hairdo that I find suspicious.

Nonsense, Maurice! Come on everybody!
Let's go and meet the pansies!

Presenting your royal highness our illustrious
King Julian the 13 self proclaimed

Lord of the Lemur etc. etc.
Hurray everybody.
