He's got style!
What's he like, King of the kiwi pigs?
I think it's a squirrel.
Welcome, giant pansies! Please
feel free to bask in my glow!
- Definitely a squirrel.
- Yep, a squirrel.
We thank you with enormous gratitude
for chasing away the Foosa.
- The Hoosa?
- The Foosa.
They're always annoying us by
trespassing, interrupting our parties,
and ripping our limbs off.
- Yes, sounds good. Look, we're just
- We're just trying to find where the people are.
- Oh, my! What big teeth you have! Man!
Shame on you, Maurice! Don't you see
that you've insulted the freak?
- You must tell me, who the hack are you?
- I'm Alex. The Alex.
- And this is Gloria, Marty and Melman.
- Say just where are you giants from?
- We're from New York and we...
- All hail the New York Giants!
New York Giants!
What are we doing, some
sort of inbreeding program?
I say we just gotta ask these
bozos where the people are.
Excuse me, we bozos
have the people of course.
- Hey, the bozos have the people!
- Oh. Well. Great! Good!
They're up there.
Don't you love the people?
Not a very lively bunch though.
- So do you have any alive people?
- No. Only dead ones.
I mean if we had a lot alive people here,
it wouldn't be called 'The Wild', would it?
The wild?
Hold up there a second.
You mean like the living in mud hut?
Wipe yourself with leaf type wild?
Who wipes?