or you can tell me
where the key is to that chain.
This is not a goddamn park
this is a worksite.
Surely, you've got a home
to go to.
I've been real patient with you.
- You're all trespassing.
- You listen to the man!
I'm giving you one last chance...
to disperse!
Or I'll drag you out
by that chain!
Fraser, I'm real glad
you're here.
- I want all these folk arrested.
- Now, now.
This is Kyle Williams,
our new Sheriff.
- Sheriff, this is Jake Schist.
- Morning.
He's foreman,
heading up...
the new drilling.
Good, you can arrest them.
Arresting them all is difficult.
I'll see what I can do.
All right everyone...
I appreciate your right
to free assembly...
but this is a privately
owned site.
Your actions here are illegal.
Get your asses off the mud
and go home.
Who the hell are you?
The new Sheriff.
Well, have a taste
of country hospitality, Sheriff.
Our asses aren't moving.
Go fuck a tree,
you hippie bitch.
- Fraser!
- Got it, Chief.
Ma'am, right or wrong
it's my job.
It's about a different law.
Schist has committed
a crime here...
for long enough.
You've got handcuffs,
put them on Schist.
Bolt cutters.
Hey, what are you doing?
Sheriff, I'm sorry.
Are you all right?