Being arrested
sets a good example?
Standing up for your
principles does.
So, yes.
Arrested 5 times.
1 more and you get
the Dakota Ring.
Sheriff that swamp has been my
backyard since I was born.
It's part of me...
and I love it.
It's not Schist's.
It's ancestral
and sacred to the tribe.
And they saw no money.
Their leader, Ted Sallis
took it and ran.
Okay, I'm listening.
No one'll see because Schist is
busy pumping money into the town.
But Sheriff this swamp is dying.
People are dying.
Rene Laroque.
Do you know him?
It's a small town.
- Everybody knows everybody.
- Can you help me find him?
He's not that easy to find.
You can go.
Not charging me?
It's a small town.
Charging a teacher whose crime...
is caring about the land...
on my first day... That's not how
I'd like to get started.
You can go.