washed up over 7 months.
Now they all had... well,
not like this, but more like Billy.
Swamp stuff growing inside them,
coming out from inside you understand?
This wasn't filed?
Corely wouldn't let me do autopsies.
He insisted I file them
as 'gator attacks.
What did you think they were?
What fucking else'd they be?
Goddamn, damn it!
What man could do that?
I talked to Val.
You're going to get Rene.
Let me do my job.
- Hunt him down like an animal?
- Lf he's innocent he'll walk.
I won't just sit.
- He didn't do it.
- How do you know?
I saw Rene 2 miles
from Gerber's murder.
- Sheriff!
- Listen...
- I know Rene!
- Yeah, well that's pretty obvious.
- Hey, Kyle!
- What?
Schist's hired the Thibodeauxs...
- to go after Rene.
- Don't you see what's happening?
We'd better get over there
and talk to them.
- I'll lock up.
- Goddamn it!