I know.
What do you think?
I don't know what to think.
I feel really...
Excuse me, Captain.
The Governor's office just called.
Thanks for coming, fellas.
I'm getting phone calls from some daddies
that are worried about their daughters.
They have good reason to be concerned, sir.
If Cortland finds out there are witnesses,
he'll come after them sure as hell.
Gentlemen, I told those guys we'd take care
of their daughters. Stay with them.
- Yes, sir.
- Good luck, Roland.
Is the taller blond Anne or Barb?
I can't remember their names.
- "He" what?
HE-BAT. It's a mnemonic device, son.
Heather, Evie, Barbara, Anne, Teresa.
This is a plainclothes operation.
Take your hat off. Conceal your badge.
Try to look normal.
Yes, sir. And I just want to say thank you
for taking me along on this one, sir.
That's the third time today
you've thanked me...
and I can honestly say at this point
I feel the full brunt of your gratitude.
Thank you again, sir.
Get in the damn van.
You, move over.