You couldn't possibly be talking about
my mother because she's allergic to dogs.
- First rule: No cell phones.
- What?
No pagers, no Palm Pilots and no e-mail.
And the telephone downstairs may be used
in the event of emergencies only.
Give it up.
Send us back to the Stone Age,
why don't you?
You don't understand
what serious business this is.
In order for us to do our job,
we're gonna need your cooperation...
and that means paying attention
to what I say...
and doing what I ask you to do
when I ask you to do it.
Furthermore, I'd appreciate it
if you'd cover yourselves in our presence.
I realise how very proud you are...
of your tattoos, piercings,
and other body modifications.
However, my colleagues and I
do not need to see these.
Are there any questions?
I have one. Are you always such a dick?
Yes. There will be no guests
in the house ever.
Nobody may leave the house
without an escort.
But this is our house.
What about classes?
I'm in an advanced pre-med program.
- I have a...
- 4.0, we know.
Okay, guys. If I miss my biochem class,
I'm gonna lose my scholarship.
There are five of y'all, three of us.
You'll have to pare your schedules down
to the absolute essentials.
I'll skip all my classes
for the greater good of the group.
Work it out amongst yourselves.
- What about dates? Barb's got two tonight.
- Not anymore.
Hello! We've got a game on Saturday.
Don't even think about telling us
we're not going.
You're not going.
Don't say it.
As captain of this squad, I must inform you
that to stop us from cheerleading...
you're gonna have to pry the pom-poms
from our cold, dead hands.
I'm all clear.
Come on, Asst. Cheerleading Coach Sharp,
show me your spirit.
Where's your happy face?
This is my happy face.
Well, I think we're gonna have to turn
that frown upside down.