Her middle name is Ellen.
A lot of the fellas weren't happy when
the Rangers started recruiting women...
and I was sure enough one of them.
She changed my mind.
I also hear everything.
"The brightness of her cheek
would shame those stars
"As daylight doth a lamp
"her eyes in heaven
"Would through the airy region
stream so bright
"That birds would sing
and think it were not night"
So your assignment is
to write a five-page paper...
due a week from Friday...
describing the function
of the recurrent imagery...
of light against darkness
in Romeo and Juliet.
What does it mean? How does it mean it?
And is it possible that this play...
is more than just a teenage romance
with a sad ending?
Miss Thompson.
I want to see you in my office. Now.
- She'd like to see you.
- What for?
I don't know.
Mr. Sharp. Come in. Have a seat.
So, I understand you're
the new assistant cheerleading coach.
That's right.
May I ask what you were doing in my class?
That's the way we do things on our squad.
If somebody's in the...
Let me be blunt, Mr. Sharp.
Barb's cheerleading
is interfering with her work.
And for the record, you should know
I think cheerleading is stupid.
I couldn't agree with you more.
She downloaded this paper
on plant imagery in Macbeth...
off the Internet.