- All right, what do I owe you?
- $13.75.
Hey, do you live here with all these girls?
Dude, you're my new hero.
Imagine what that means to me.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Without my phone, I am nothing,
I am worthless.
I need to speak to my Antonio...
- What is that?
- The Carnivore.
Pepperoni, sausage, ground beef, ham, and
olive loaf, all together in one savoury pie.
With jalapeƱos.
- Want some?
- Yes. No.
Extra-thick crust.
- I can't. I'm on the Zone.
- What zone?
The proper combination
of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
This combination's proper as hell.
I'm a total Atkins girl.
I do Weight Watchers.
You'll probably blow all your daily points
with just one bite.
This baby has one point and one point only,
and that is tasting good.
I don't know why you girls are on a diet.
You couldn't weigh any more than...
Don't even go there.
No, there are some things
we just don't discuss.
My daughter has a very healthy appetite.
Interesting. You never mentioned
you had a daughter.
- What's her name?
- Emma.
- How old is she?
- Seventeen.
- Is she a cheerleader?
- I hope not.
- What's her favourite band?
- You got me.
How about her sign?
Is she sexually active?
- Hell, no.
- She probably is.
68% of high-school students
in Texas have had sex...
by the time they've reached the 12th grade.
Slightly higher than the national average.
Thank you for ruining my day.
I'll tell you one thing about this daughter
you know nothing about.
She must be supremely messed up
in the head from living in a house with you.
She lives with her mother.
Why did your marriage fall apart?