Holt, get over here.
I'm going out for some air.
Price check on register three, please.
Can't make up your mind?
Do I need the slim fit, the regular
protection or the one with wings?
The ones with the wings. Definitely.
Cucumber-melon body spray.
Vanilla-smoothie bikini cream.
Sounds like a busy and painful night
for your wife.
I'm divorced. These are for the girls.
The cheerleaders?
You do their shopping for them?
You are a curious fella, Mr. Sharp. You gay?
No. Girls are all tied up, studying.
I volunteered to help out
and pick up a few things.
Are you sleeping with any
or possibly all of these girls?
Wanna have dinner with me
tomorrow night?
- Negative?
- It's not really possible, with work and all.
Well, okay, that plane just flew
into the side of the mountain.
Call off the search, no survivors.
Have a pleasant evening.
These yours?
- Yes.
- You left them on the counter.
Thank you.