Man to Man

Dr Dodd, eat!
You have to eat.
Five foot one inch, a weight
of six stone three pounds.

Notice a distinct prognathous
jaw, wool lik e hair. . .

and the auricular angles
far lower than human norms.

An acute curvature of
the spine indicating . . .

that the subject has spent
less time standing on two feet.

We see the same effect in

And the size of the brain
compaired to other human species

would give
the stature of a genius!

The volume of the brain
is 4 7 cubic inches.

The skull itself, particularly
the protruberant nature. . .

of the parietal lobe, recalls
that of Neanderthal man . . .

Considering the extent of our
measurements and analysis. . .

their unique distinguishing
marks and the general savagery

of their behaviour, we believe
that we have te first branch . . .

that grew upon
the human tree.
