Baby. . .
Bay-bee. Sha'dop.
The behaviour of the p y gmies
has cast some doubt.
There is no even more urgency
to verify their findings or not.
I can't just turn anthropologists
just the way they are.
They've paid good money.
Get her to do it then .
She's hiring out these
''African circus artists''.
Get her to say the contract
is invalid .
I forbid any visit which would
only weak en the p y gmies further.
They need just one doctor.
I shall stay close to them.
Let's concede with great
reluctance. . .
that you are able to get them
fit and well again . Then what?
You're about to witness for
the first time in Europe. . .
the real nature of savage life
in the jungles of Africa .
Lik ola ! Mak e fire !
Tok o ! Go hunting !