Me and You and Everyone We Know

- What's a "bosom"?
- It's a nice word for titties.

- Where's Mom?
- What do you mean?

What do you think
she's doing right now?

I don't know. Screwing
her new boyfriend probably.

- I think she's buying us presents.
- Yeah, Robby.

Right now she's probably
buying us each a car!

- It's a man.
- I think it's a woman. I can tell it is.

What should we write?
"I have a big wiener"?

I want to poop back and forth.
What? What does that mean?
Like, I'll poop into her butt hole...
and then she'll poop it back...
into my butt hole.
And then we'll just
keep doing it back and forth...

with the same poop.
Oh, my God.
I'm going to put that!

"I want to poop...
back and forth. "
Oh, God. She's gonna think
we're a crazy, perverted person.

- Ooh! She thinks we're crazy!
- No, tell her like how I said it.

No, she'll never write back. We have to
sound like we're a man, you know?

That's just lame. It's stupid.
But you said I could do half,
and you've done all of them before this.

Whatever. We're probably gonna
get arrested. What do you want me to put?

Like how I said it.
"I'll poop in your butt hole...
and then you will poop it back...
into my butt...
and we will keep doing it"-
- Back-
- Back-

- And forth-
- And forth-

With the same poop.
Same poop.
