Melinda and Melinda

Who is it?
- Can I help you, miss?
- The Springers.

Top floor.
- It's really good.
- These speakers are wonderful.

You do pick up
every little nuance of the orchestra.

Tell me again
why I can't have a glass of wine?

Every pregnancy,
she asks the same question.

This is the "Concerto in D".
Yes. My God,
you really know your Stravinsky.

This would be good theme music for the play.
- Lee?
- That's a brilliant idea.

I need a little help with the final touches.
- Can you get the two big serving dishes?
- I'm running out of obsequious banter.

- How's it going?
- He thinks I'm perfect for the part.

The goddamn producer
wants more of a name.

I don't understand why they make
such a big deal. It's not like it's the lead.

My first audition went better.
I don't know what happened.

- And I know it's not the lead, Laurel.
- Doesn't he have any clout?

They want a name. I'm not a name.
You didn't marry a name.

- Sally said how much she loves your place.
- How long are you here?

Six months, and we're still not finished.
We have to furnish slowly
cos we used up all our money.

We could not go on in that one-bedroom.
The piano ate up the living room.

We're living beyond our means. I get nervous.
Laurel is certain God will provide.

- They're poor, but happy.
- Definitely poor.

- What do you do, Peter?
- I'm a lawyer. No jokes, please.

Think the music's a little too loud?
I saw you listening to the Mahler and crying.
You should have seen her.

She was listening to Mahler
with tears streaming down her face.
