Melinda and Melinda

Yeah. OK, please...
Excuse us. Please start.
This is so unexpected.
I'll say.
- You had no hint she was coming?
- She was nuts then, and she's nuts now.

- Did you see the look in her eyes?
- She's been on a bus.

You were asking how we know each other.
Melinda is the third musketeer.
We went to school together.

- We haven't heard from her in ages.
- Yeah. She's had personal difficulties.

She said she'd be coming to New York from...
I can't remember, Chicago or Indiana,

and could we put her up?
Laurel said, "Sure. " I myself...

This is not the time to discuss this.
Let's just eat and change the subject.

Well, what can you do? We've all had friends
drop in unannounced. Remember your aunt?

I put up an extra bed. I fix up the room for her.
She doesn't show when she says she will.

So we try to contact her
and there's no trace of her.

Two months later, she calls up unannounced
in the middle of a frigging dinner party.

- Am I unreasonable?
- No, no!

You're missing the whole point. You have the
makings of a delightful human comedy here.

You missed the humour in everything.
I see a sweet, tree-lined block
on the Upper East Side.

It's a dinner party. The husband is fawning
over his guest. He's a moviemaker.

No, wait.
Here's the idea. Make the film director the
wife. He's just her out-of-work actor husband.

She's trying to impress the guest
and raise the money for an independent film.

I just told Jennifer that Steve is interested
in investing in Susan's next movie.

Yeah. I have most of the money. I've just
been trying to get it going now for two years.

I liked your first picture.
Would you do this one on video too?

No. That was just because
we only had $300,000.

- This one will be on 35mm for sure.
- Well, how much do you need?

I've raised about four million
and we need another two million.
