Melinda and Melinda

My God. Get...
I just got back from my job interview.
I don't think it went too well,
so just stopped off for a little pick-me-up.

- You OK?
- Yeah.

Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go and meet Laurel and
Cassie for lunch in our old neighbourhood.

I'm just gonna go freshen up.
- The park hasn't changed a bit.
- Not at all. It brings back so many memories.

Those days are gone when the three of us
thought we could call the shots.

What I wouldn't give to wake up
and find my life has been a bad dream

and we're all still 17.
Tell me about it.
You wouldn't change anything. I mean,
your life is pretty much on track, right?

Well, the question's not fair. I mean, who
wouldn't profit from a second go around?

So, what about Bud Silverglide?
The dentist with the charming little daughter?
He's a wonderful guy. If anything
ever did happen and you hit it off,

you could establish something solid.
Not more unrealistic pipe dreams
that can't help but wind up badly.

I'm sorry. Did that come out harsh?
The truth is, I'm nervous.
I wanna meet someone so desperately,

but when the chance comes along,
I just panic.

It won't be a date. I'll make a dinner party
and we'll all be there to support you.

I'll invite a number of nice guests
and he'll be one of them,

and if you meet and hit if off, then great,
and if not, then no obligation.

Yeah. When he hears my story...
My God. I come with such baggage.
