Melinda and Melinda

- You need shots to do that.
- Melinda, hey, it's Susan. How are you?

Good. I was wondering if it was OK with you
if we give your number to this wonderful guy.

I'm not giving the number out.
Don't say that I am...

He's a very rich dentist. He's cultivated
and athletic. He's gorgeous-looking.

"Gorgeous dentist" is an oxymoron.
And... There's nothing to be nervous about.
Look, we'll all go out, the four of us.

We'll go to dinner or we'll go to a show
or something. I don't think you'll be sorry.

- I think she's never, ever gonna go for it.
- OK, great.

- Not in a million years.
- Fantastic. OK, bye.

- She loves the idea.
- I told you.

Hi. What are you doing down here?
I got the part! The director kept insisting
and the producers finally gave in.

- That's great, Lee.
- Finally, a role I can make sing.

You're certainly a natural for the character.
- Why would you say that?
- You've said it a hundred times.

I said I could act the hell out of it. He's a loser.
Let's not fight. I meant
nobody can play the part like you can.

You see me like that, don't you?
I'm asking. Is that how you see me?

I'm really happy for you. I know how much
you wanted this. Can't we leave it at that?

I'm wired. I didn't mean to seem snappish.
Shall we go out to dinner and celebrate?

- Tonight's Cassie's party.
- Yeah, right. OK. Jesus.

It's time Melinda met someone, moved on.
I'd like a little privacy in the apartment.

I've got a couple of options.
I could wear...
I can wear this skirt
with this shirt, like this.
This goes around the other way, like this,
and I could wear it with this shirt here.

- What do you think?
- The silk one is sexier, but this one's elegant.

You think the silk one's sexier? So maybe
I should wear this. Sex works best in the end.

Men like to feel there's some hot payoff
waiting for 'em somewhere down the track.
