Melinda and Melinda

A mysterious stranger has temporarily
taken over. I must say, she plays beautifully.

Are your eyes misting over?
This song, it's meaningful to me.
It was playing the night I met someone.

So are they tears of sorrow or tears of joy?
Well, aren't those the same tears?
Why do things that start off so promisingly
always have a way of ending up in the dump?

- Not for everyone.
- Well, for anybody with any imagination.

You know, life is manageable enough
if you keep your hopes modest.

The minute you allow yourself sweet dreams
you run the risk of them crashing down.

There's plenty of old songs that I cry over.
My name is Melinda.
Melinda Robicheaux. It's French.
- That's a very beautiful name.
- Thank you. It's my mother's.

She married a Dr Nash, so I grew up Nash,
but I've changed it to her name.

And that is a wise choice.
It's very musical.
My name is Ellis Moonsong.
I am from Harlem, USA.

Ellis Moonsong. Is that really your name?
Yes, it is. Let's go and sit down.
It's wonderful. You also play beautifully.
Well, one thing I could always do
was make music.

I can play all the instruments,
but my specialty is composition.

I've written two operas. One was done
at Yale, I'm proud to say successfully,

and the other one is being done
in Santa Fe next summer.

- Very impressive.
- Yeah, listen to me brag.

I'm insecure, so I sell myself.
The truth is, not everybody likes the music.

They're kind of modern,
but the critics were extremely supportive.

Is that what you wanna be -
another Verdi or Puccini?

I don't kid myself, you know, but, yeah.
If I could rub that lamp and have my wish...
Operas, symphonies, string quartets.

There's a lot of interest in my work in Europe.
I might go to Barcelona or to Paris to live.

God, I can't stop gushing about myself.
You've opened Pandora's box.
