Melinda and Melinda

It's tremendous for aerobics.
Come on, try it, Hobie.

What do you do for exercise?
And an occasional anxiety attack.

- Try it, Hobie. It's good manners.
- Since when do I have good manners?

- What is that? Is it a pig?
- I don't know.

Hey, Greg, did you shoot this?
Well, actually, I shot all of those.
Twice a year I go to Africa.
The experience would take your breath away.

Huge herds of kudu -
greater kudu and lesser kudu.

- Which is bigger? The greater or the lesser?
- Hobie!

I think it would be the sexiest thing to sleep
under the stars in the middle of the jungle...

If you don't mind waking up
with a python in your sleeping bag.

No, no. The whole thing is very civilised.
They have beds and bathrooms and showers.

But no elevators. In case you're being chased
by a tiger and you have to get up into a tree.

- I'd have to take the elevator.
- I don't understand.

- Me neither.
- Did you shoot all the furniture?

- So, Melinda, have you ever shot a gun?
- How quickly was it shot? Freshly shot?

- Right here?
- That's fine. This was fun. Thank you.

- Are you sure you'll be all right?
- I'm fine.

- Do you wanna come up for a drink?
- A drink! Yeah, we could do that.

- We can't. You have to get up early.
- Why? I'm out of work.

Hey, do you have any tequila?
I make the world's most potent margarita.

- They're very strong.
- I sure do.

- Are you all right?
- Here, can I help you?

- Very good. You know this car so well.
- He's like an old man.

- Thank you.
- I'm fine.

It's like we're dancing.
- Tequila's on the surgeon general's list.
- Just be quiet.

Why'd he stop twice to get the car washed?
God, he's incredible, isn't he?
It'd be great for Melinda if things worked out.

I wouldn't let that guy fill my teeth.
I mean, anyone who gets his jollies
putting holes in animals...

The Ernest Hemingway of the root canal set.
He's probably got her in bed by now.
